Seven deadly sins

The Islam is the religion of Saudi Arabia, and the people act according to the teachings of this religion. Based on the Islam, the sin is the selfish placement of one's own perspective before that of the more universal perspective of God may be seen as the articulation in religious terms of a misplaced focus on the individual at the expense of the community, of humanity, or of the planet. And be understood as a form of highly dangerous failure of understanding in relation to a larger scheme in which the individual or group is embedded.

In this religion there are seven deadly sins: pride, avarice, gluttony, lust, sloth, wrath and envy. The pride refers to an excessive self-love, this has been recognized as the root of all of the vices. The avarice manifests most tangibly in efforts to acquire material wealth or gain, notably the physical or intellectual resources of others, so depriving them of the benefits they might otherwise expect from them. The gluttony is a misplaced desire for food for its sensuality, or withholding food from the needy. The lust includes any form of sexual relationship understood to be abusive attachment to carnal pleasure. The sloth refers to pettiness, cowardice, negligence, being remiss in one's duties, mistrustfulness, indolence, and sluggishness and it may be intepreted as sadness or listlessness. The wrath is understood as inappropriate feelings of hatred, revenge or denial and includes punitive desires outside of justice. And the envy involves the resentful or painful desire for another's advantages or possessions, traits, status, abilities, or situation.

The saudi arabian try to live with values that don't let them fall in those sins. The values that they have are principally generosity, selflessness, hospitality, deference to others, freedom from dependence, willingness, sexual modesty, honor and simplicity.

source: Seven Deadly Sins. NYPL and Oxford University Press, 7 vols, 2004

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